Jo Douglas Brown

This is a gratitude blog for my beautiful friend, Jo. If I had to describe her in one word, it would be…. etheral.

Jo Douglas Brown

Without sounding cheesy, Jo is like a ray of sunshine that warms your soul. She is one of the kindest most loving people I have ever ever met.

And she has literally changed my life.

I will tell you how.

After the birth of my twins, I ended up with SPD (Symphysis Pubic Disfunction); a condition where the pelvic bones are not held in place and can easily become misaligned (you can imagine carrying twins might do that to a person).

Sounds harmless enough, but I don’t think I have the words to describe the pain and the agony this condition can bring.

Yes, I went to physio; there is a belt you can wear to “hold your pelvis in place”, however they don’t make a size small enough for me. The other thing I was given was a sheet of all the activities to avoid doing. Basically any asymmetrical activity can pop you out of place; things like vacuuming, sweeping, mopping, carrying a child, going up the stairs, going down the stairs, going up a hill, going down a hill, driving a car, you know, basically everything.

Of course, I could not avoid these things and what would happen is that I would end up in a foetal position on the floor, unable to move for fear of even further pain, bawling my eyes out.

Yes, there were painkillers. But they had to be really strong. This meant that the next day I would have to spend in bed because I would be too groggy from the side effects.

When you have as many children as I do, being “out of action” is not always an option.

Anyway. My Jo Jo does this “thing” called Bioresonance Therapy. One day, I must have been having a whinge about being in pain and Jo said, “why don’t you let me help you?” I was like “um, because you are like four hours drive away and the last thing I need to do right now is drive”. (I have such tact and nice manners)

Jo said, “well, why don’t we do distance therapy?” I was like, “okay”.

We did two sessions. Afterwards, I wanted to make sure this thing really worked. I spent hours killing myself doing every asymmetrical thing I could think of (house was spotless) and all the things that would normally bring the pain on. At first, the familiar pain started and I thought “oh, great, it’s coming” but then. It just went away!

And it has not come back since. And that was about two years ago.

Jo is also a friend who will call me out of the blue just to see if I’m okay. She will listen to me rattle and prattle on about stuff and always have kind words for me.

She does lift me up when I am down and encourages me to be me; she is one of my biggest fans 🙂

Recently, Jo moved to Rubyvale to be close to the gemfields, lol! And she has found a place which is her “happy place” and I could not be happier for her.

She has relocated her clinic, Living Balance Centre, with her and still does distance therapy all over the place (she also helped me with a couple of the kids, there is nothing she cannot do).

I just feel so blessed to have her in my life and to call her a friend and I will stalk her until the end of my days, if required.

I loves you, Jo Jo x

3 thoughts on “Jo Douglas Brown

  1. Welcome back Ana, it is a delight to ready your gratitude blogs. When I feel down, these pages of sunshine certainly brighten up my mood! Love the photo you have posted of Jo, as she absolutely has a smile like a ray of sunshine to echo your gorgeous words.
    I have a cousin suffering with this condition at the moment with her second child. I will most certainly pass on Jo’s contact details to her.


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